A Multi-functional space (sewing, dining, seating area) : A look inside our recent EDesign Project

This client needed a multi-functional space where she could work, sew, and rest!

Don’t we all need more rest? 😉 I know I do!

I love the way this space turned out. And the client was very happy too. I am so grateful for every single one of my clients. Having well-decorated spaces in your home is more important than you know, and I’m not just saying that because I’m an interior decorator.

Spaces that work well for you and look amazing are important for your mental health and well-being. And having a space you can call your own is even more important.

Design Tip:

When creating a multi-functional space like this one, it’s important to create little groupings of furniture, instead of having the whole room be one big mess of blended items. You can see here that there is a sewing area, the table space with chairs and then off to the side you can find the sofa and draperies. Each space is a space within itself. How cool!

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Not quite ready to start your project? No biggie, you can follow along on our other projects by coming back to the blog each Wednesday of each week, or by following me on Social Media! See you over there!

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